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【Screening at the US Tempe Museum】【米国テンピ博物館での上映報告】(↓日本語は後半)

On September 14 (US time), there was screening of "Behind THE COVE" at the Tempi Museum in Arizona, USA. I participated in in the post-screening Q&A session via Skype this time.

As usual the Q&A began with comments such as "It was good to hear the opinion of the Japanese side", "Good Job!" etc.

Some of the questions included, "Do you eat the whale meat although it’s a scientific whaling?", "After the film The Cove, has the dolphin hunting changed?", "What do the anti-whaling activists eat when in Taiji?"

*As for the question on eating whales caught in scientific whaling, I am often asked the same question in Japan. The answer is simple. Under the provisions of the International Whaling Commission, the whale meat may be eaten after the scientific research.

I am again made aware that it is necessary to keep getting the information out there repeatedly.


Q&Aでは、欧米では必ずといって良いほど「日本側の意見が聞けて良かった」「Good Job」というコメントから始まることが多いです。




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